Dick Grayson, Boy Wonder, the first and our favorite Robin here at LockCityComics, in his own self-titled NIGHTWING comics!

While technically NIGHTWING's 1st comic appearance is in Superman #158, it's not until Teen Titans #44 does Dick Grayson suit up as his iconic new identity.

After being fired as Robin by Batman, Dick takes inspiration from an alias Superman once used in a shrunken Kryptonian city.

In 1995 following the events of the one-shot Alfred's Return, NIGHTWING gets his first self-titled limited series. The series goes through a rollercoaster ride from Dick giving up the hero business, news of more foul play in his parent's murder, a new costume design by Alfred, and to an understanding of Bruce's intent of being a good father figure. This is an important turning point in Dick's transition from sidekick to super-hero.

By the next year NIGHTWING had his very own ongoing series consisting of 155 issues and two annuals. Written by Chuck Dixon and art by Scott Mcdaniel vol 2 ran from 1996 - 2006. 

Setting up in Bludhaven a neighboring town to Gotham, but just as corrupt. Dick quickly finds himself pitted against a plethora of criminal underworld bosses. Blockbuster, Lady Vic, and a twisted cop name Torque are just a few of his most memorable conflicts. 

DC uses the NEW 52 to rebrand some of our most favorite super-heroes, and NIGHTWING is one who again gets his own self-titled series in NIGHTWING Vol 3. Published from 2011 - 2014 this series follows the events of Dick reprising his role as NIGHTWING after spending a year as the Batman. While visiting with some old friends a deadly assassin going by the name of Saiko come to hunt Dick Grayson down.

Again, DC tries to rebrand with their Rebirth event. In 2016 NIGHTWING gets his 4th ongoing series still being currently printed. Dick's most famous rogue Blockbuster is back to make a deal with our front man NIGHTWING. He needs help to rid Bludhaven's streets of alien weaponry. Will they strike a deal, or will the former sidekick walk into a deadly trap?

Whether he's the boy wonder, Batman, a detective, or NIGHTWING Dick Grayson will also be a pillar in the DC community. It's amazing that the fans have appreciated him so much for him to have his own ongoing series since 1996. The current series is doing well and will hopefully continue on.